وصف الدورة

Python is a crucial tool for analyzing business and financial data. It is a programming language commonly used by financial analysts and data scientists in machine learning and other fields.In this course, you will learn the most fundamental skills to write and execute Python code. We will have an overview of the basic Python concepts. And we will show you how to create conditionals, iterations, and custom functions. Then, we will introduce the common packages that will help you with your analysis. Finally, we will walk you through a case study that uses Python to optimize a portfolio of selected stocks

اهداف ومخرجات الدورة

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

•Write and execute Python code to create variables, generate outputs, apply various operators, and manipulate different types of data.

•Use conditions and iterations to create your own custom functions.

•Import and utilize external packages including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn.

•Import data from different sources and conduct basic data analysis.

ماذا ستتعلم؟

Part 1: Course Introduction

Part 2: Basic Python ConceptsPart

3: Conditions, Iterations, and Custom Functions

Part 4: NumPy

Part 5: Pandas

Part 6: Matplotlib and Seaborn

Part 7: Portfolio Optimization Case Study

Part 8: Qualified Assessment

اطلب الدورة